God is Love, Not Bound by Anything

Your God is too small - Love is unlimited and so is God - Betty Bethards Inner Light Foundation
The power of love frees us. Make the decision to connect with the all-knowing mind of God within each of us

We limit ourselves by holding onto to a limited idea or image of God. To be fully human and fully alive, we must come to realize God as LOVE, not bound by any tradition or set of beliefs.

Man has many different religions

  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Islam
  • Jainism
  • Judaism
  • Taoism

Each Religion Tries to Help Man Understand Big Questions

  • Who am I?
  • What is God?
  • What is my purpose?

But each religion arose in a particular time and place developing rules, practices and beliefs that became the exclusive part of each of those religions. God began to be seen as the property of each separate group by its members.

The word religion comes from the Latin word meaning “to bind back.” The true idea of religion is that man has sought a way to bind himself back to God, to reunite with the true source of his being. By the “practice of religion” then, man is trying to discover his true purpose and destiny and his unlimited nature. How should man be “practicing religion?” All of the great religions (each with their own traditions) AGREE ON ONE THING: Man can unite with the God force through the practice of love.

Religion, then, underneath its many forms, rules and dogmas, originally was meant to lead us to one truth: That God is Love, that we are all joined together in love, that love awakens all possibilities to us and that in love we know that we are part of the unlimited mind of God.

But because of our upbringing and backgrounds, each of us has his own unique and usually very limited concept of God. Our concepts are most often marked by experiences and can therefore be slanted and distorted. You may say that your concept of God is not limited – that you know God is all powerful. But be patient, we’ll get back to this in a moment.

Many of us have been taught that God made us in his image and likeness. And yet, it has been our overly obvious temptation to invert this – we have made God according to our human image and likeness.

We are constantly translating God into our own experience – some believe in a vengeful God, a punishing God, a whimsical God, an uncaring God, a meaningless God, and so on.

When we fail to experience God and religion as Love (in its best sense), we are subject to a loveless world with all sorts of pains that go along with that perceived perception. We create God in terms of our own fears and insecurities, instead of allowing ourselves to be recreated in the vision or idea of Love.

Three Major Problem Areas When We Have a Limited Understanding of the Love and Power of God

  1. Anxiety
    Why do you think we have become known as the stressful society? Why is it that 80-90% of illnesses can be traced to stress? Stress is due to anxiety – the irrational fear of the unknown. Stress is usually the standard way of responding to the world and the people around us. This is not a healthy way to live.
  2. Guilt
    Betty experienced people who come to her for readings or counseling – burdened by guilt (guilt complexes). They failed to understand that life and all of our experiences are positive – that we are here on earth to learn.
  3. Inferiority Complex
    People have a sense of inadequacy as a person; they feel worthless and lack self love.
When you have a limited understanding of the love and power of God - learn more from Betty Bethards Inner Light Foundation

There is a huge shortage of psychiatric beds in the United States for mental patients. In addition, one in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year.  Do you think we really have a healthy image of ourselves? Are we really in touch with the infinite and love God-self within us?

Ask Yourself – How Do You Feel Limited?

  • When you are frustrated and anxious – your God is too small.
  • When you are unhappy in a situation and see no way out – your God is too small.
  • When you think life is too much and you cannot cope – your God is too small.
  • When you think financial problems are insurmountable – your God is too small.
  • When you feel no one in the world loves or cares about you – your God is too small.
  • When you are in an unhappy relationship and don’t believe you deserve happiness – your God is too small.
  • When you are insecure with other people – your God is too small.
  • When you think you must get even with another to prove a point – your God is too small.
  • When you think you are worthless – your God is too small.
  • When you feel you have been deeply hurt and will never love again – your God is too small.
  • When you are constantly ill or thinking negatively about yourself and others – your God is too small.
  • When you ask for guidance to solve a particular problem and then continue to worry about it – your God is too small.
Spiritual awakening make the decision to be one with the all-knowing mind of God - Betty Bethards Inner Light Foundation
When we feel limited, in whatever area of our lives, it a sure sign that it's time to make a change. It might be a time to identify with the all-knowing mind of God that is within us all

God, the Power of Love, Frees Us

When we feel limited, in whatever area of our lives, it is a good sign that it is time to make a change. We need to break the limiting concepts that we have been holding onto. The old ways of looking at God and life no longer suffice. It is a matter of making the decision to identify with the all-knowing mind of God within us.

When we Affirm

  • We are one with the all-knowing mind of God
  • We have the feeling of calmness
  • We have the feeling of sureness and things feel right inside of us (that gut feeling)
  • We have a trusting open relationship with our higher self

Then we know that we are unlimited and that whatever we can conceive of it will manifest in our lives.

Freedom is our spiritual inheritance. When we come to the understanding that life and liberty are ours by divine right, that we are free to be who we are and develop to our highest potential, we can then begin to let go of the limited thoughts that bind us to sickness, poverty, disharmony, ignorance and fear.

We have a choice. Our basic human option is to love or not to love, to be or not to be. But when we really look at it that way, do we really have much of an option? If love is the fundamental need in all people, it says a lot about why some form of religions, with or without the outer trimmings, have and always will survive. We will always seek to bind ourselves and attune ourselves to the greatest force in the universe – the power of Love.

How to do it?

Practice meditation. Talk to God as a friend. Love, like everything else, is a matter of practice and readjusting our perceptions and choices. And always be grateful and have gratitude!