Suicide: Forget It! Too Much Karma

Suicide and karma - there is no death - so forget it - learn from Betty Bethards
Nothing is worth taking your life over. Ask yourself what your positive lesson is in every painful situation. You will find that nothing is negative!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – the greatest gift of all is life. We need our earth suit to learn how to or how not to do things. We have carefully chosen our lessons and we all have the strength within us to meet every test. We are each unique and special individuals. We have tools and treasures within us that we have never before discovered.

When our energy goes down, we all get depressed and discouraged. We think this feeling will never end and that life will always be agonizing. All of us reach this point at one time or another in our lives… and we think suicide as a way to end our misery.

Once death is understood it will immediately put an end to the idea of suicide once and for all! There is NO death! We take us with us wherever we go and without this good ol’ earth suit to work out our issues or lessons (problems), we’re going to be stuck with ourselves until we can get permission to get another earth suit, incarnate again and walk through the same situation (that led you up to commit suicide) all over again until we can pass our tests again.

You can’t escape yourself, dead or alive. Death changes nothing because you haven’t gone anywhere. You’re standing there listening and watching those left behind but they can’t hear you. It takes at least 80 to 120 years to come back and you usually pick up two to eight extra incarnations for committing suicide. Your guidance must lead you slowly back to where you were before you took your life and walk you through the identical situation where you took your life. Nothing is worth that!!

It’s easier to say to yourself, “Since I can’t die, I may as well see how I set this mess up and get busy and love myself so I can do it right this time – and not have to keep coming back and doing it again and again!”

Suicide is God’s Big No-No

If you jump off a bridge, you’ll immediately separate from your physical body or earth suit and stand there in mid-air watching your body fall. You suddenly realize you are still you. Your emotions are the same as when you jumped, and all you did was to throw away your earth suit that is necessary to use in order to learn and know about yourself.

You’ll instantly see your teachers standing there looking at you and they won’t be very happy with your choice to commit suicide. You’ll wish you could turn back the clock and make a wiser choice. But you are now stuck with your decision and your karma. We all have options and choices. 

Make Your Choices Wisely

Betty would say that nothing is worth taking your life over. It is the most precious gift you’ve got and you chose it. Ask yourself what your positive lesson was in every painful situation you have ever had and you will see that nothing is negative!

Realize that there is no death, that all experiences are our teachers helping us to learn the lessons that we need to learn. Don’t make the costly mistake of suicide. And when possible, help others realize how the gift of life is so precious.