Affirmations and Visualizations Overview

Always start your day with a cup of positivitea
By making positive declarations part of your daily life, you are helping your mind to prioritize positivity over negativity.

An affirmation is a short and powerful statement. It is a carefully constructed short phrase or sentence that, to you, will have the most impact. An affirmation allows you to consciously be in control of your thoughts. When you say or think an affirmation, it becomes one of the many thoughts that can shape your reality.

Research has proven that around 80% of subconscious thoughts you have in a day are negative ones. Affirmations can make you consciously aware of your thoughts especially when you repeat them to yourself or speak them out-loud. It seems so simple, but try it and see for yourself. When you consciously think or say positive things, it is easier to control the negative ones that are always threatening to take over.

To affirm something is to say it in a positive way. An affirmation is firmly declaring a positive thought which then helps your thinking be more assertive and feel stronger.

By making positive declarations part of your daily life, you are helping your mind to prioritize positivity over negativity.

Betty Bethards would always say, “Affirmations should be positive statements. No wishy-washy. Make them straight-forward and to-the-point. They are easier to remember if you can record them so that you can play them back whenever and wherever you want. It’s best to listen to them when you are completely relaxed and focused on listening to their meaning. In addition, you can write them down and read them to yourself or, better yet, memorize them and then repeat them when you need that extra support to stay positive.”

Suggested affirmations:

  • My decisions come from the center of my being. I am divinely guided in all of my decisions, and I gain strength and confidence in acknowledging this aspect of my creative power.
  • My inner most being knows exactly what to do in every situation. I make moment by moment decisions that strengthen my awareness of self and heighten my abilities, energy and enthusiasm.
  • Repeat to yourself the following while you are relaxed:
    • I have a body, but I am not my body
    • I have emotions, but I am not my emotions
    • I have desires, but I am not my desires
    • I have thoughts, but I am not my thoughts
    • What am I, if I am not my body, my emotions, my desires and my thoughts?
      • I am a center of awareness. I am energy
      • I am spaceless and timeless
      • I am being
      • I AM
Affirmations for Health and Wholeness
List of More Affirmations
If you would like to hear Betty talk more about Affirmations and Visualizations, an audio download is available.
Betty Bethards seminar on Affirmations and Visualizations
Audio download of Betty Bethards seminar on Affirmations and Visualizations

Affirmations and Visualizations

By Betty Bethards


This is a live, historical recording, of Betty Bethards speaking on using affirmations and visualizations for self-improvement. Science says we use only 1/6 of our brain. As you listen to Betty and her advice, you begin to start learning how to become a better you and incorporating affirmations into your daily life.

As you listen to Betty and, hopefully, start to meditate, you begin to start awakening cells in your brain. With guidance and advice from Betty you can teach yourself to learn to hear and see what is happening in your daily life and therefore, with good decision making, make your life better. You can feel Betty’s energy coming through the recordings and her wisdom on Affirmations and Visualizations is timeless. People have said that they listen to her seminars over and over and learn something new every time.

Each seminar has two recordings available in two .wav files: Side 1 and Side 2.