The Bottom Line to Removing Blocks
Your past way of thinking (Betty would call it our programming) and current negative, self-defeating thoughts, can block all of your desires and dreams for abundance. You can’t program your successes, hopes and dreams and then not do the clean-up work of changing the beliefs inside of you that say you’re not worthy. They go hand-in-hand if you want to move your life forward. Feeling unworthy is how we prevent our prosperity on all levels.
Removing blocks is a co-creative process. God gives you the energy and ability to choose your life story but you have to do the work of identifying your self-limiting beliefs. You need to release them and create new, positive programs (messages) to fill that space back up. Like attracts like. Your abundance is a God given birth right but you have to clear the path to receive the bounty. Your job here on earth is to be the script writer of your life. So if you notice that your story thus far is one of suffering and victimization then it’s time to see what beliefs you have inside of you. Only by recognizing them can they be changed.
We’re all carrying around emotional baggage from our past. Many of these past programs are that we are either less than everyone and we have to constantly try to win the approval of others or that we’re better than everyone else and our job is to shape everyone up to be on the same level as we are. Both of these are untrue. These past programs are telling us that we are stuck in roles where we are trying to win love and approval.
This less-than-others comparison is an endless and hopeless struggle. The way out is to finally learn to stop and see ourselves as we truly are – as loveable. We need to access our positive qualities and strengths in addition to owning our weaknesses and work to develop ourselves into healthier thinking. We are worth unconditional love. And unconditional love has to be given to ourselves from within ourselves. The outward search for this love must end.
When we accept ourselves unconditionally, warts and all, then we can be just who we are with others and stop trying to earn their love. We are already loved. We just have to rest in it. If people don’t like you for who you really are, that’s OK. But what you will usually find is that when you dare to love yourself, be honest about who you are and reject others that don’t treat you well, people will be drawn to you like a magnet. This is the place we are all searching for – its true love.
Persistence and determination will really pay off in your self-growth. If you don’t seem to be making headway, relax and the answers or insights will come. Using the tools of meditation, interpreting your dreams and using visualizations and affirmations will help you to grow in self-love.
Important questions to ask yourself in any situation
- How did I set this up?
- What are my positive lessons?
- What do I need to do to change this situation?
- What limit(s) have I created for myself that I now would like to move beyond? (Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, financial, interpersonal, creative, etc.)
Remember, there are no accidents. You are drawn to specific situations and people in order to learn from them.
Areas where lessons usually manifest
- Relationships
- Jobs
- Family
- Finances
- Food
- Sex
- Health
- Spiritual growth
Questions to Ask Yourself
- Where do I have self love? Where am I kind and loving to myself? Where is my self love lacking?
- Where am I setting boundaries? Where am I not?
- Where/When do I treat myself or give myself rewards? Where/When am I not rewarding myself?