Keep Your Focus on Growth

As Our Energy Rises, Positive Changes Happen Faster
Each of you is a beautiful, unique creation of God’s love. There is no one like you in the Universe. We are all so focused on what is “wrong” with ourselves or our lives, that we forget that we are as precious as the oceans, sunsets, nature, flowers and all of the marvelous creatures on earth. That’s why Betty would say, “If you can’t speak up for yourself (help yourself), do it for the God within you.”
Each of you is a garden of love and beauty. We’ve woven old recordings around our beautiful diamond (us) and this lifetime is your opportunity to break free from them once and for all. Once they are gone, they are gone!. You will find complete joy and freedom, never to have to live as a victim or feeling separate from God again once you have broken free of your old negative programming.
There is nothing more important in this life than to love and know yourself
Keep your focus on growth and the following three simple disciplines:
The promise of this work is called Masterhood. It means walking and learning with all of the great Masters who have evolved off of this planet and serve in light, joy and wonderment together. No matter how tough it may seem here on earth, if you keep your focus on going through your lessons to unravel your old programming, you will continue to grow. The only way to fail is to not try.
Each of you has a divine spark and inspiration within you already
John 14:12-14 - These things I do, you can do greater
The Inside Creates The Outside
- You must walk through your fears. Fear is nothing more than hearing the negative recordings played over and over. You need to cancel them and record new, more positive recordings.
- It is through our thoughts that we mold our physical reality – whether it is to change our bodies (better health, energy, vigor, healthier weight) or creating new opportunities and experiences. Like attracts like so you must know you deserve what you wish to receive.
- Sometimes we play the victim, caught in a cause-and-effect situation rather than putting ourselves in a creative role. Through our inner seeing, we can create and influence our reality. The inside creates the outside.
- As we learn to use and control higher levels of energy within our own being, moving beyond space-time limitations, it is easier and faster to effect changes and experience positive results.

Make success a habit
- Start each day with the intention to change your life to be a joy-filled, rewarding experience. The truth of your inner being is stronger than any negative program or fear.
- Be sensitive to your own needs. Stay in tune with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual requirements. No one else can do it for you. Relaxation daily is essential when opening to your higher intuitive centers.
- Take risks, branching into new creative areas and activities. Clean out your closet, drawers and house of all unused or unnecessary stuff – literally and inside you.
- Stick to working on your own problems and help release others to work on their own lessons – no more co-dependency.
Keep It Simple!
- If you get too complicated you won’t be able to hear your inner voice. Be honest and patient with yourself and others.
- Relieve yourself of perfectionist attitudes. For example, “I’m good if I’m on my diet. I’m terrible if I’m off my diet.” Practice moderation and tolerance.
- Commit yourself to being open to change. It’s the only thing that’s certain in life. Letting go of old patterns or of life style choices that are not in your best interest doesn’t have to be painful. Treat yourself with love and nurturing as you would a child who was learning.
- As you release the old, make way for the new! Activate your imagination and dream, fantasize, create and let your artistic self “out to play.” Be a well-rounded self with plenty of interests to enjoy (gardening, painting, singing, animals, hiking, etc.).