Understanding Your Emotions
Emotions are a force which are usually expressed through the third Chakra. This is a beneficial level of awareness as long as the higher Chakras are also open so that we’re aware of our True Self.
Emotions are expressed in extreme situations when we are functioning solely out of the lower Chakras (love/hate, happiness/sadness, mad/glad, etc).
Typically we go up and down with each mood swing depending on passing thoughts that come from either ourselves or others. The trick is to recognize emotions and use them as tools for growth.
Most negative emotions arise from self doubt and insecurity.
Feeling a lack (of whatever emotion) results in the following typical behaviors
- Exaggerating and bragging
- Rationalizing
- Being a perfectionist
- Being highly critical of others or yourself
- Acting like a submissive victim
- Being angry
- Trying to rigidly control yourself or others
- Trying to keep everyone happy in order to buy yourself peace and happiness
Believe it or not, many positive emotions arise from a lack of self love – feeling good about yourself only because somebody else thinks you’re okay.
Emotions – What to Keep in Mind
- No one can cause emotions in another person
- Everyone has the ability to experience the gamut of emotions so don’t judge the reactions of others (unless appropriate for health and safety).
- We bury emotions thinking that they are bad and negative. To grow, you have to see and identify what’s within before you can release it. Don’t avoid your emotions.
- No repressed emotion is lost. It just surfaces later in various forms of self defeating behavior.
- Emotions can affect your physical health, set up disease, lower your immune systems and affect your perceptions.
We must accept responsibility for all of our emotions. When people “push our buttons” our reactions are there to show us were we need work when we react. Others are the mirror to reflect our buttons – they aren’t bad.
If we want to truly understand ourselves, we must be open and accepting of our emotional responses. Expressing reactive emotions tell us where we need work. Be sure to apologize as soon as possible if your emotions are inappropriate for the situation.
There is nothing to fear about emotions – they are there to teach us. Stay aware, be truthful to yourself and the sooner you deal with your emotions, the better off you will be.
If you would like to hear Betty speak about your inner Journey and knowing yourself, a link to her audio download is available below.
Inner Journey
By Betty Bethards
This live, historical recording is Betty Bethards speaking on how to help yourself with your Inner Journey. Betty promotes meditation in order to raise your energy which then allows you to be open to your teachers and the lessons you need to learn in your life that leads to self-understanding.
She promotes meditation, affirmations and visualization and using your dreams to help you on the path to knowing yourself. As long as you keep your energy up (and meditation helps) you can be open to hearing your teachers. Your thoughts, words and actions create your reality. Betty gives wonderful examples throughout her talk and responds to live questions from the audience on the subject of the Inner Journey. She is funny and insightful. People have said that they listen to her seminars over and over and learn something new every time. This particular seminar includes special trance coming through Betty from her teachers.
Betty’s publications and lectures have helped millions of people in their search for self-knowledge. You can feel Betty’s energy coming through the recordings and her wisdom on your inner journey is timeless.
Each seminar has two recordings: Side 1 and Side 2. This seminar is available in two .wav files.
- Each seminar is $18.00/title
- If you are interested in all 23 titles, the price will be $269.00 (35% discount).