Bring More Laughter in Your Life

Ways to bring more humor into your life Betty Bethards

When you are happy, you are creative. One way to lighten your life is through laughter.

Laughter triggers healthy bodily physical changes. In addition, it serves to boost your energy, diminish pain and helps to strengthen your immune system. Laughter can be as contagious as a yawn. When laughter is shared, it can connect people and increase intimacy.

Laughter can help eradicate stress and stress is one of the worst enemies of human mental health.

It is said that people who readily develop the habit to laugh frequently help themselves by enhancing their relationships and improve both their emotional and physical health.

When your energy is high (and laughter helps to raise your energy), life just works better.

Some facts from the Mayo Clinic on the long term effects of laughter:

  • Improvement to your immune system
  • It can relieve pain
  • It can increase personal satisfaction and helps in connecting with people
  • Improves your mood

Ways to Bring More Humor in Your Life

  1. Read or collect humorous material from your favorite comedy writers. Look for sources you can identify with.
  2. Collect cartoons and jokes you enjoy, search for humor on the Internet, in blogs, look for comedy shows, read humorous magazines, books, etc. Share them with friends, colleagues and family.
  3. Use exaggeration to help get perspective. Jokingly expand on different situations from life-and-death proportions (always being socially respectful).
  4. Be more playful. Try being dramatic, silly and improvisational. Others will pick up your spirit and laughter.
  5. Remember personal stories from your own life that, in retrospect, are humorous. Offer these anecdotes when others encounter problems.
  6. Observe and play with pets to divert attention and release tension.
  7. Create regular intervals of sharing humor with your family and friends. Joke around at meals, place cartoons in sack lunches, search out funny movies, etc.
  8. Practice new jokes you read or hear five times on the day you hear them – it will help you to remember them.
  9. Ask Amazon Alexa the joke of the day. 
  10. Make a list of potential stressful situations that have happened in your life and prepare humorous responses. It will surprise others and help you to heal.
  11. Remember humorous stories and bring them out when appropriate.
  12. Make friends with people who laugh, share your sense of humor and find joy in their life – it will lift your spirits.
  13. Read Charles Rubin’s book: I’ll Get Right Back To You and Other Annoyances: All the Little Things that Screw Up Your Day