Let Resentments Go

Resentments hurt only the vehicle they’re housed in. As we carry our grudges against others, this only sets up a constriction in our energy field. When we resist giving or receiving forgiveness, we separate ourselves from the God force. As we truly begin to see that others came into our lives to teach us, we can open up to letting go of our grievances. There is a reason that these interactions took place.
What we sow, we reap. In reviewing past abuses, Betty taught that somewhere down the road in your past lives, you’ve hurt the person who perpetrated the act. In this life, especially in the first twenty-eight years, we’re get paid back for the Karma. Rather than repeat this cycle over and over again, Betty teaches that we should release and forgive the person this time around. Then we are able to be free. It honestly doesn’t matter how they respond… you want to know that there is no resentment or anger inside of you.
We can forgive the others who hurt us in our past, and can also include ourselves on that list. Holding on to pain and suffering is a heavy weight to carry. We feel a tremendous sense of freedom and fulfillment as we lift this weight from our being.
Old souls are always extra-sensitive to the pain and harm people cause one another. This is because we’ve experienced pain ourselves in past lives. Old souls have usually had more than nineteen incarnations here on earth, so they’ve been through the gamut of experiences. Young souls don’t realize the impact of their actions. They haven’t yet experienced the pain and results of their harmful decisions. They see themselves as getting away with these behaviors and crimes. Mystics know that they will reap what they sow and that at the end of their lives comes a review of their entire incarnation.
Daily meditation is there to raise our energy level and awareness so that we learn new levels of love and understanding towards ourselves and all people. When we meditate we are building an electrical circuit throughout the body that is healing and cleansing to our entire system.
The beauty about meditating is that all the guilt, fear, resentment and anger towards yourself and others rises up to the surface to be released once and for all. As we meditate we begin to find greater inner peace and contentment within.
Our Guidance will never bring up issues while we are meditating unless we are ready to deal with them. Once we see the negative patterns and want to change them, we will be tested three times throughout our life to see if we have truly passed each lesson. Once we have passed these tests, we are free of that pattern and can move on to create a new scenario. We must realize that our lessons will follow us throughout this lifetime as well as into the next until we are ready to face our own self-growth.
All people have hurt others, hated and acted violently in one incarnation or another. No one is free from the pangs of growth on this Earth plane. Thus, as we learn to see ourselves as part of the whole human family, we will feel the struggles, the joys and the frustrations of all people. When we truly learn to accept the responsibility of our own thoughts, words, and deeds (actions), we will then be filled with compassion and love for all people.
Practicing forgiveness is an ongoing process in our self-growth. We need to continually look for our part in each experience or interaction with others and take responsibility for how we set it up. Healthy forgiveness is stopping the recycling of our hurts and wounds, and creating healing and unity in all of our relationships. We are not separate from one another, and by forgiving the people we have hurt and interact with, we will reunite our energy and connect to the God force.
Forgiveness helps us to free ourselves from our condemnations and helps us to find peace of mind and serenity. We are all expressions of the God force here on earth learning to grow and establish better self-expression and loving communication with one another.
If you would like to hear Betty speak about Forgiveness, a link to her audio download is available below.

By Betty Bethards
This live, historical recording is of Betty Bethards talking on Forgiveness. We need to stop beating ourselves up and start loving ourselves. We are here on earth to learn about ourselves. Betty gives tips and insights on how to change our lives for the better and how to think about forgiveness.
There is no one else on this earth like you. We are here on earth to learn about ourselves. Betty gives wonderful insights into how to forgive yourself and move your life forward. By using visualizations, affirmations, which is what prayer is, and meditation, you can help to raise your energy which will protect you from stress and help you see where things in your life need correcting. As your energy rises people will flock to be around you; when your energy is down, people seem to just disappear. Pay attention to that, it’s true! If events occur that upset you or you are triggered, ask yourself what is my positive lesson, how did I set it up and what do I need to change so I don’t have to keep doing this again.
Each seminar has two recordings: Side 1 and Side 2.
- This seminar is available in two .wav files.
- Each seminar is $18.00/title
- If you are interested in all 23 titles, the price will be $269.00 (35% discount)