List of Affirmations

List of Affirmations from Betty Bethards to help change your life

Affirmations work as a tool to help shift your mindset and support you in achieving your goals.

The following are affirmations that can help you replace negative self-messages with more positive ones. Say them with meaning when using them. It’s also best to say them when you are relaxed and/or meditating.  Emphasize them in your voice (either outwardly or internally). Make the words meaningful to you. Rephrase them to mean the most to you if that helps.  Visualize the content of the affirmations happening NOW in your life.  No wish-washy – be emphatic.

These simple statements can help shift your focus away from perceived failures or inadequacies and direct your focus toward your goals.

All About You

  • I am always relaxed and centered.
  • I have all the love I need within my own heart.
  • I am whole within myself.
  • The light within me creates miracles in my life here and now.
  • I have complete and total intention here and now to create my life.
  • There is nothing to remake or redo in the old. I create each day anew.
  • I forgive and release every thought, experience, memory, idea and person from the past. I am fully forgiven and released by every thought, experience, memory, idea and person from the past. All is returned to its native state of nothingness.
  • I am completely free and unbound to move boldly into the present, here and now. There are no obstacles and no limitations on my pathway. My success is assured.
  • I completely let go here and now of my attachment to my habit (be specific).
  • I deserve the best and I accept my good which is flowing to me here and now.
  • There is nothing to fear. The Spirit of Good is at work and all people are blessed through [named] situation.
  • There is but one Power. No one can keep my good (success, fulfillment, goal, etc.) from me. There is no loss, lack or limitation in my path. I am free to be true to myself.

Affirmations for RELATIONSHIPS:

  • My perfect partner is being attracted to me and I am being attracted to my perfect partner now!
  • Divine wisdom reveals to me the truth concerning a new relationship.
  • I release you and you release me. We both forgive one another. Each of us is directed to our personal fulfillment and highest good.

If you would like to hear Betty talk about Affirmations and Visualizations, an audio download is available.

Betty Bethards seminar on Affirmations and Visualizations
Audio download of Betty Bethards seminar on Affirmations and Visualizations

Affirmations and Visualizations

By Betty Bethards


This is a live, historical recording, of Betty Bethards speaking on using affirmations and visualizations for self-improvement. Science says we use only 1/6 of our brain. As you listen to Betty and her advice, you begin to start learning how to become a better you and incorporating affirmations into your daily life.

As you listen to Betty and, hopefully, start to meditate, you begin to start awakening cells in your brain. With guidance and advice from Betty you can teach yourself to learn to hear and see what is happening in your daily life and therefore, with good decision making, make your life better. You can feel Betty’s energy coming through the recordings and her wisdom on Affirmations and Visualizations is timeless. People have said that they listen to her seminars over and over and learn something new every time.

Each seminar has two recordings available in two .wav files: Side 1 and Side 2.