All About Charles Rubin
Expert Numerologist, Channel and Dream Analyst Performing Readings
Charles Rubin was born in New York City, New York, where he attended an arts and music high school in Manhattan. Later, he attended Columbia University, The New School for Social Research and UC Berkeley in California.
Charles, raised in New York with 5 siblings, just happens to be a channel. No one was more surprised by that than Charles. He always knew he had a special 6th sense about things but it wasn’t until he met Betty that his psychic talents really developed. All through his life he would predict small and, sometimes, big things for people and he thought nothing of it. Then he learned about Numerology and that felt like a hand-to-glove to him.
At an early age Charles joined the United States Marine Corp. We can only assume that it was his 6th sense that kept him alive and well.
As for a living, Charles always loved to write from an early age and ended up working at an advertising agency as the creative director.
Charles got his start in advertising on Madison Avenue and eventually worked in Boston, London, Paris, Milan and San Francisco. Throughout his career, he was the recipient of many advertising awards including a prestigious Clio Award.
Charles Rubin was an author before he and Betty Bethards were married in 1992. Since Betty’s passing, Charles has taken over the position of the president of the Inner Light Foundation.
Over the years, Charles is often invited on radio call-in shows as a noted dream interpreter and numerologist. Throughout his life Charles has been a frequent radio and television guest being interviewed on all of the major television stations in the USA as well as England where he was featured on the BBC many times.
The father of three sons, Charles, a former resident of London and Cambridge, England, he currently lives in Sonoma County, California.