Attuning Yourself to Your Own Inner Voice
Think of all of the different ways we have searched to find love or the real meaning of life:
- Relationships
- Careers
- Money
- Families
- Governments
- Spiritual Groups
If you have found yourself dissatisfied with any of the paths listed above, hopefully you have come to the conclusion that the answer lies within. You need to develop your own gifts and attune yourself to your own inner voice. Others can lead or point the way but it is you who must walk up that mountain. You have to realize that it has to come from within you.
Our culture has seen the dangers of turning over our power to others. Look at our multiple government scandals, the savings and loan scandal in the 1980-90’s, the Great Recession, wars, etc. In addition, there are the dangers of escaping through alcohol, drugs, over-eating, bulimia nervosa, and even toxic relationships. The underlying reason for these dangers is every man’s quest for happiness. Man has to first be responsible to himself. Without love and trust in himself, man can never achieve spiritual awakening; it doesn’t come from an outside source.
Our world reflects to us how all of us are doing in our growth. How we treat the environment, our schools, other countries and the people in our lives is a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Trying to endlessly fix the outside will never truly heal where the problem is coming from, which is INSIDE US.
As you begin to work on yourself through meditation, interpreting your dreams and using prayer, you begin to perceive that life is like a mirror for you to see yourself in! You will be able to see all that is beautiful and joyful is in you. You’ll also be able to see your fears and negative programs that are holding you back from your potential. With meditation, dream interpretation and prayer you can get all of that cleaned up.