Positive Affirmations for Health & Wholeness

You are most receptive to positive affirmations when you are deeply relaxed – at the end of your meditation is a wonderful time to repeat your affirmations. In addition, it’s good to repeat your affirmations when you are in a stressful situation and feel like you need inner support. Also, it is especially helpful to listen or read your affirmations before going to sleep at night and when you first wake up in the morning.
The following affirmations are suggested for your health and well-being. Feel free to put them into your own words so that they feel more comfortable to you when you say them.
Health and Wholeness Affirmations
- I have healing power.
- The natural state of my being is health, harmony and wholeness.
- My mind is in every cell of my body and it builds and adjusts according to my thinking and feeling.
- My body is energy, fluid and pliable. My positive thoughts move easily through my body to create perfect health.
- I am in control of my life and my health.
- I choose health, harmony and wholeness.
- My body, mind and spirit are in complete harmony at all times. I maintain balance in my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states of my being.
- I am filled with energy, vitality and radiant health.
- I am now recognizing and correcting all limiting beliefs that stand in the way of my health and happiness.
- There is nothing to fear. I am free to create whatever I desire.
- My mind is adjusting my body metabolism to achieve and maintain my ideal weight.
- Universal love flows through my body, mind and spirit. Every cell and tissue, thought and memory is balanced and harmonized in love.
- I greet all persons with unconditional love. Love dissolves all hate, fear, anxiety and insecurity which causes imbalance in my life.
- I see myself as a unique individual with a special purpose to fulfill in this lifetime. I am gaining clear insight on what my purpose is and I am being directed toward my life goal.
- I love myself as a unique and creative person. I feel love towards others.
- I see my problems as opportunities for growth. I know that the perfect solution is inherent in every problem and that I am able to attune to it in deep stages of relaxation.
- Every night I enjoy a soothing, relaxing and rejuvenating rest. Every morning I awaken feeling happy and confident.
- Every day in every way my health, happiness and prosperity increase.
If you would like to hear Betty talk about Affirmations and Visualizations, an audio download is available.
Affirmations and Visualizations
By Betty Bethards
This is a live, historical recording, of Betty Bethards speaking on using affirmations and visualizations for self-improvement. Science says we use only 1/6 of our brain. As you listen to Betty and her advice, you begin to start learning how to become a better you and incorporating affirmations into your daily life.
As you listen to Betty and, hopefully, start to meditate, you begin to start awakening cells in your brain. With guidance and advice from Betty you can teach yourself to learn to hear and see what is happening in your daily life and therefore, with good decision making, make your life better. You can feel Betty’s energy coming through the recordings and her wisdom on Affirmations and Visualizations is timeless. People have said that they listen to her seminars over and over and learn something new every time.
Each seminar has two recordings available in two .wav files: Side 1 and Side 2.
- Each seminar is $15.00/title
- If you are interested in all 23 titles, the price will be $220.00 (35% discount).