Succeed At Being Yourself
What you think and feel attracts similar thoughts, people and experiences to you. Whatever vibrations we send out, we will attract them back to us from the Universe. The Universe is a great big mirror that reflects our state of being.
Everything – every idea, every person, everything – is energy. We are all part of one great energy field; one great consciousness. It may seem crazy to say but there are no limitations to creation.
There is only one person that needs to give you permission to be yourself and that is you. What you are and who you are – your combination of strengths, talents and abilities – are unmatched anywhere in the universe. To fully activate these abilities, and to give yourself the freedom to do so, is your biggest challenge and test in this life time.
One of the greatest tragedies of the world is all the frustrated, unhappy people who cannot seem to place themselves in life’s stream. They are afraid to follow their dreams or they are worried about being accepted by others and not conforming whereby they miss the whole show called life. As they get older they feel emptier and their dreams are left unfulfilled. They feel guilty and become debilitated and sick at an early age.
Self-acceptance is the first big step to daring to be what you can really be. Accepting everything that has happened in your life, releasing it, and moving on from those moments right now can help create what it is that you really want in this life time. This is called self-acceptance which then needs to be followed by responsible action.
We can think of a million reasons why we can’t achieve something but we only need one reason why we can so that is what we need to move ahead. A positive approach to problem solving is the crucial ingredient of dynamically living your life. You have to really want to be free, to be you, in order to achieve your goals. There are no compromises with negativity and there are no compromises with excuses. To move into a level of awareness where we know we are truly responsible for ourselves, we must really want it.
Practice causing no harm to anyone — yourself or others – when working on being a better you.
To dare to be you, you cannot allow yourself to feel victimized. Don’t let yourself get caught into grumbling about the world, the economy, politics, crime, etc.
When you read about a crisis, send it white light and love. When you hear about rapes, shootings and robberies on the news, send white light to all parties concerned. Think of yourself as an active, dynamic member of this universe and know that although you can’t fight for every cause or die on every cross, you can send positive thought energy to situations and people that you hear about rather than shrugging them off as a “things are getting worse” attitude.
When you dare to be you, you have no time to judge others. Be concerned about your own direction but, at the same time, you never know what path is the right path for others.
The only thing you are judged on when you get to the other side, is whether you developed, grew and used your talents for the positive.
Help to do this work
We must begin to nurture the positive vibrations in all areas of life. If we don’t emotionally and mentally feel worthy of our greatest good, we block the Universe from bringing it to us. The real us is healthy and whole. We have just wrapped ourselves up with old attitudes, ideas and beliefs that say we’re not complete, that we’re not good enough. Our Higher Self is healthy and whole. Our true self is calling to us – it’s there if we would only listen. Our true self sees clearly, recognizes lessons and is attuned to the love center of our being. To be yourself you must first know who you are. To create what you want you must look at your attitudes about yourself; change the negative and emphasize the positive. Life here on the earth plane is about choice and responsibility.What we often feel as inner conflict is our Higher self vs. our Lower self. The Lower self is really only a series of programs, or limiting beliefs, that we think of as real.
All of this – what we call life – is an illusion. We are created in God’s image and that means total health is our true state. We have a divine origin. Negative ideas are a false sense of self.
How you see yourself affects all communications and relationships. As long as you project out to the world your lower self, you will never really love your true self and therefore not able to really love others nor accept them.
How you choose to respond to life is the whole secret of happiness and success. Self-acceptance and a positive problem-solving approach to everything you experience is vital to staying in touch with the inner you and staying true to your direction. You have nothing to lose but your limitations.
A person who is working to achieve inner wholeness accepts responsibility for themselves and draws strength and guidance from within. It’s acceptance of yourself from within that establishes your connection with God.